700 Conversations: From spam-driven consultations to becoming a preferred coach for one of the biggest companies in the world.

After starting her coaching practice in 2018, my friend and client Melisa Liberman (host of the Grow Your Independent Consulting Business podcast) threw herself into a cold-emailing, spam-driven approach to client acquisition. She completed hundreds of consultations with people who didn't even know they were IN a consultation. She failed a LOT. But during all those failures she learned to give service, to provide answers, and to give value to the people she was talking to. She also started building relationships. Those relationships created opportunities for speaking to qualified prospects, which in turn led Melisa to become a preferred coach for employees of one of the biggest companies in the world. I love Melisa's story because she showed such persistence and determination in getting herself into conversations with people she hoped to serve. She's a great example to me, and that's why I wanted to bring her message to you. You can find Melisa on her podcast and her website, MelisaLiberman.com.

Announcement: On May 1 I'm holding my first "Office Hours with Mark". Office Hours creates space and time for my fellow coaches to connect with me and get support. Go to https://mrkbtlr.com/office-hours to opt in for details. 
700 Conversations: From spam-driven consultations to becoming a preferred coach for one of the biggest companies in the world.
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