Conversation with Paula Engebretson - Why Can't I Publish Consistently?
Paula Engebretson coaches people with an ADHD diagnosis (or ADHD tendencies). Since I know she has ADHD, and since I may or may not be a member of her target audience, I've been surprised at how consistently she publishes her newsletter and podcast. People like her (me) are not supposed to be as reliable as she is. But she shows up like clockwork. I asked her to come on the show to talk about how she does it.
My key takeaways were:
1. Why Paula won't take on a project unless it's a "full-bodied yes".
2. How her personal mission keeps her motivated.
3. How my own lack of consistency probably stems from #1 and #2.
Connect with Paula:
I'm Busy Being Awesome (website and podcast)
My key takeaways were:
1. Why Paula won't take on a project unless it's a "full-bodied yes".
2. How her personal mission keeps her motivated.
3. How my own lack of consistency probably stems from #1 and #2.
Connect with Paula:
I'm Busy Being Awesome (website and podcast)
Announcement: On May 1 I'm holding my first "Office Hours with Mark". Office Hours creates space and time for my fellow coaches to connect with me and get support. Go to to opt in for details.