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Displaying episodes 31 - 39 of 39 in total

A conversation with someone who used to advertise a lot, but no more.

My friend Josh is a brilliant relationship marketer who happens to be a lawyer. In this episode, I interview him about his journey from spending a huge chunk of his...

Why success is virtually guaranteed for one-on-one coaches.

I don't believe a person pursuing a one-on-one coaching business can fail unless they just stop trying. That's not naive optimism, either. Human nature and market r...

Inventory is the big idea for a one-on-one coach.

My practice is "full" for the first time in the nearly 15 years since I started coaching. This is true in spite of the fact that there've been periods in the past wher...

A new perspective on pricing your one on one coaching.

There are a few ideas I've heard in conversations about pricing one on one coaching: 1. The price your clients pay determines a) how your clients will engage with y...

The stories we can tell: how to create content in a one-on-one coaching business.

One on one coaches are overvaluing facts and undervaluing resonant stories in the content they publish. In this episode I talk about why I think this happens, how to f...

The role of content creation in a one-on-one coaching business: creating a soft landing into your world.

In a one-on-one business, content's most important job is to give people a soft landing into your world. Your podcast, newsletters, and social media posts help people ...

Gardening: a different perspective on marketing and sales in your one-on-one coaching business.

Self-helpers and internet marketers refer to use gold mining as their favorite metaphor for the pursuit of success. I think it's the wrong paradigm for a person who's ...

Coaching/Mentoring vs Teaching/Training: Insights into different coaching models.

I see coaches doing two main types of work: coaching/mentoring and teaching/training. Although these aren't absolute concepts, it's helpful to know in which direction ...

Introducing The Beautiful Business Philosophy

I've seen every online business there is, and run many of them myself. In this introductory episode, I want to set a vision for why a one-on-one coaching business shou...

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